Check out this article from the Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation blog, in which Katie Shonk offers advice on how to negotiate a higher salary after you’ve received a job offer.
In this piece, Harvard Business School Professor Deepak Malhotra lays out some ground rules for negotiating a job offer, noting, “Every situation is unique, but some strategies, tactics, and principles can help you address many of the issues people face …
Navigating the early stages of a new job offer can feel like walking a tightrope, balancing between excitement and the drive to secure the best possible terms for yourself. But negotiating your starting salary is more than just a financial …
This article highlights what to say when negotiating your salary with an employer – and how to say it.
Launching your career by landing your first full-time job can be thrilling, but there might be one small thing you’re not so sure about as you wait to hear the words, “You’re hired!”: Money.
How do you know what to …