Handshake 101

Handshake is the CPD’s one-stop shop for all things career-related.

Your Dartmouth Handshake account is automatically created for you when you begin classes at Dartmouth. Just log in to Handshake to activate your account and complete your profile. The interests you enter in your profile will direct your experience and can be updated any time. Your profile helps Handshake provide personalized job and internship posting recommendations. It also helps our Center for Professional Development send you alerts about special events, deadlines and Dartmouth-specific opportunities that match your interests.

After you complete your profile, you gain immediate access to:

Additional benefits:

  • Every term, you’ll be invited to dozens of employer events and opportunities – specifically targeting Dartmouth talent – through the CPD’s Recruiting Program
  • 80% of students who share their interests in their Handshake profiles receive a message from at least one recruiter on Handshake.

What can you do in Handshake?

  • Upload your resume and make it visible to employers
  • Explore different career paths
  • Find CPD resources customized for Dartmouth students: resume templates, networking guides, industry-specific resources, and more (click on the “Career Center” tab and go to “Resources.”)
  • Register to attend employer info sessions and events, CPD workshops, alumni panels and career fairs
  • Search for jobs or internships, save and return to your search whenever you like
  • Research thousands of employers, and “like” or follow those that interest you
  • Identify and reach out to employer contacts and apply for opportunities
  • Participate in the CPD’s Recruiting Program, exclusively for Dartmouth students

How to Build your Network on Handshake

Read Employer Profiles

Each employer profile contains detailed information about that organization, a list of jobs and internships being offered by that employer, and any events they are hosting. If previous interns or employees have written reviews of the organization, those reviews will also appear on the employer profile.

Make the Most of Handshake:

For a guided tour, meet with a CPD Career Coach or watch one of the videos below:

Student Disclaimer: The Center for Professional Development and Thayer Career Services does not make any representations or guarantees about positions posted in the Handshake system. It is the responsibility of the student to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. Students with questions about an opportunity or organization may contact the CPD at cpd@dartmouth.edu or Thayer Career Services at ecserv@dartmouth.edu, respectively. 

For any questions regarding Handshake, please email srs@dartmouth.edu.