International Student Resource Guide

Below are resources our CPD team has collected to help support international students. You’ll find many more helpful resources in our Handshake Resource Library. Our CPD career coaches can also provide additional resources, support, and advice customized to meet your unique interests – schedule an appointment on Handshake.

If you wish to receive information about career-related events and opportunities and self-identify as an international student, please sign up on Handshake, (self-identified diversity interests are only accessible by CPD and Thayer ECS staff and all information will be kept confidential).

Access currently offered DEI events in Handshake by clicking here, or use the Filter feature in events and click the label “dei-focused”.

Campus Resources

Professional Organizations

  • Immihelp – Information about U.S. legal immigration
  • Foreign Born  – Includes guides to navigate U.S. administrative services 
  • Y-Axis – Includes information on work authorization systems for countries including Canada, Australia, and Germany

Recurring Internship/Job Opportunities/Job Boards

Videos/Ted Talks

Career Resources / Advice for Job Search