Career Exploration is the #1 topic discussed in coaching appointments at the Center for Professional Development. Whether you are just starting to explore your interests for the first time or re-evaluating your plans, you are not alone. The CPD is here to help guide your journey with tools, resources, networks and 1:1 support.
Remember that career education and career development is an ongoing process. There is no right or wrong career path. Your interests, goals, skill sets and values will continue to evolve. Today’s average American employee will change careers 3 to 7 times in their lifetimes.
Your ability to understand and articulate your strengths, interests, values, and goals is a first step:
Know Yourself
Begin thinking about what is important to you. Explore your values, interests, and skills. The National Career Development Association Internet Sites for Career Planning offers free self-assessment tools such as:
- Talk with your friends, classmates, family members and others in your support network. How would they describe you and your greatest strengths? Does this resonate with what you are learning about yourself?
- Think about your favorite experiences to date, both inside and outside of the classroom. What aspects of each experience have you enjoyed most and why? What activities are you engaged in when you find yourself completely focused and losing track of time?
- What are you curious about? What topics are you excited to discuss and explore?
Employers have identified 8 top work-related competencies that they most want to see in college students they hire for internships and jobs. Our Career Readiness Competency Worksheet will help you analyze your strengths and identify ways to develop each of these competencies while at Dartmouth.
Explore Potential Careers and the World of Work
- Become a member of a student organization, take a part-time job or internship, volunteer, or try a free virtual work experience simulation.
- Attend career fairs and events promoted by the CPD to learn about different industries, employers, in-demand skills and job functions.
- Use Dartmouth Connect and/or LinkedIn to find alumni of interest. Reach out and schedule a few 1:1 exploratory conversations, to learn more about others’ experiences at Dartmouth, the paths they took post-graduation, and to hear their advice. A CPD coach can help you identify alumni, craft your communications, plan questions, and follow up.
- Research potential industries and employers using our Employer Research Guide in our Career Resources (further down the page).
Apply what you’re learning about yourself and the world of work to plan next steps.
- Schedule an appointment with a CPD Career Coach to discuss where you are at now and how to move forward.